28 Day Blog Challenge Review – Part 1

Welcome to Day 5 of my 28 Day Blog Challenge, and my first ‘Saturday goal review’

As part of my 28 Day Blog Challenge, I’ve planned weekly Saturday updates to share how I think I’m progressing towards my goal. (See Why The Challenge?)

It’s early days, but “so far, so good”! I’ve had positive feedback via Twitter and some comments on the blog posts themselves. Now I just need to keep the momentum going.

So how do I do that? The answer has a direct link with motivation. I also get a sense that I’m quite relaxed about the challenge at the moment and, for me, this is about preparation. There’s some security in that I know I have a plan, I’ve done my preparation, and the success to-date (in terms of sending posts out) is telling me that I’m on the right path.

So far, there have been no obstacles and no procrastination. I enjoyed writing the posts and felt they have stretched me, but perhaps not enough. I accept that the Challenge is posting for the whole of the 28 days, so it isn’t feeling like I’m being stretched much at the moment. This is probably because I planned in detail the first 7 days before I started (other than today’s of course!) So from Day 8 – I expect the challenge will really start. I think I can conclude here that the planning has given me the momentum necessary to see success and be motivated to carry on.

Hope I’ve got positive things to feedback in next Saturday’s goal review!

I’d be interested to hear how you’re getting on with your goals for 2011 and what successes you’ve had.

(Photo courtesy of Salvatore Vuono)

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